Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Moving into Autumn

Moving into Autumn

Hello everyone, 

Organic September is over. It is now October, but we are still all things Organic.

This week our Lovely Lucy has done a mighty fine job of turning our polytunnels from an end of Summer look to an Autumn feel for our organic vegetables. The Summer season of our French Beans, Runner Beans, and Cucumbers has come to an end - although we still have Tomatoes, Peppers and Aubergines being produced. Now our growing areas are starting to have that…”which veg for a good dinner” look with lots of Leeks, green leafy Kales, Cavolo Nero and Cabbages. We also have plenty of orientals…Chinese Cabbages, Mustards, leaves growing. Not forgetting the Lettuces, Choi’s, Spinach and Rocket. All hot stuff! So, this autumn seasonal change has a win win! Plenty of the summer season goodies with a new burst of the Autumn season greens.

The photo is from Polytunnel 5 where we are growing Sprouts, Autumn Cabbages and Cavolo Nero.

And not forgetting we have a huge assortment of stored Onions and Squash. The Autumn season is the Squash season. You may not know which Squash you receive in your box, but please enjoy them sliced and roasted…just slice or cut in half, season and drizzle with oil. Place on a tray in a very warm oven and bake till tender. This can be eaten straight away or use the squash as a base for soups, quiche or pie fillings, risotto or curry. Enjoy.

Talking things foody…look out for the Bacon, Gammon and Hocks which are back on the website from today. 

Outside, Graham and Chris are cracking on with the new very large Chicken pen. It is looking enormous. Well done guys!

The outside growing area is filling up with all things seasonal…Cabbages, Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Kales, Leeks etc. We also have Sweetcorn (most popular item we sold last week...thank you), Red Cabbages, Leeks and Kales for harvesting now. Jerusalem Artichokes and Celeriac are bulbing nicely and will be with you in the coming weeks.

So, very happy with our crops. More Local Fresh Organic Seasonal Produce coming at’cha. 

Going to end with a few thanks:

Thank you for all of your orders. We are at capacity every single week.

Thank you for placing your orders before Midnight Monday.

And a huge thank you for returning your boxes. We try our best to reuse and recycle.

Have a great week.

Still Stay Safe,
