Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Planting of the over-Wintering crops

Planting of the over-Wintering crops

Hello everyone, 

We hope you are all well and about to enjoy the Bank Holiday. 

The school summer holidays are nearly over, which means that Bob and I will be back on grandparent duties at the beginning of each week. Always fun, never a dull moment and totally full on! We would not have it any other way and it is a delight watching the little ones enjoy being on the farm. There is method in our madness and we hope that in a few years time they are very important players in the running of HexOrg. Then Grandad and Grandma can sit back and relax…

Till then we will continue to hold the fort and carry on with the farm duties. This last week we have begun to plant out the over wintering crops. The spring cabbage…oh yes!..I did say spring, cauliflowers, cabbages and kale are in the outside and inside growing areas. The photo is of our Pond Field where most of the outside brassicas are planted. More brassicas- Chinese cabbage, spinach, rocket, salads, sprouting broccoli for instance, will be planted out in the coming days. They need to be in the ground now. They need to be an established plant with lots of growth and a good root system before the nights draw in and it becomes cool. Then they will have a much better chance of surviving the winter season. Once again, Mother Nature playing her part.

Pork is now back on the website. The bacon and gammon is still curing but all the other joints, chops, tenderloin, belly and sausages are available. For those new to HexOrg and who wish to buy our meat, the pork arrives with your delivery, frozen. We use an organic butcher from Cross Lanes Organic Farm near Barnard Castle. We are pleased to say that the trays the meat arrives on can be recycled. Cross Lanes are still working on the outer packaging for the meat. I am sure you can appreciate that the outer packaging of meat is a difficult one due to the nature of the product.

As with all our boxes, if you are given an insulated bag for your meat, please return it with your next delivery. 

Don’t forget that we will not be delivering boxes of goodies to you on the 15th, 16th and 17th of September. This will be our summer school holiday where we will sit back and relax or so we think!


Take care,
