Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

We Are Back....

We Are Back....


We missed you all, hope you missed us.

After a week's break we are back to delivering your Fresh Local Organic produce. 

Our week away from delivering to you just disappeared!

We spent some time being proper grandparents…we took them to a farm, obviously. (For anyone with little ones, Hall Hill Farm near Lanchester is a great day out.) We both had the odd day being ill! Brilliant!

Paper work was tackled or tried to be tackled. A bit of rearranging and organising was attempted. The home garden looks a little more presentable.

Every single winter squash was cleaned and stored (about a twentieth can be seen in the photo above). The barn has been made more usable. The usual animal and tunnel duties were completed. And there the week was gone!

Bob and I would need a month off to complete the list we compiled. No one would be happy with that, so we are happy to be back to the routine and we will probably achieve so much more.

Please take a look at the website and shop as there are new goodies for you to choose from. The seasons are a changing and we are now into autumn. Soups will be on the menu here at the farm. We have already had soup from the squash and it was yummy.

The summer salad crops will be coming to an end shortly. Tomatoes are still available, but the cucumbers, peppers and aubergines are definitely on the wain.  

We are now going to ‘stick to’ the ‘midnight Monday’ ordering system so, please, if you want a delivery this week place your order before midnight Monday. Any orders received after that point, we will deliver the following week. This will prevent any confusion on both sides.  

The crew were all away from the farm last week to. It will be interesting to hear how they spent last week and hopefully they are raring to go on Monday. We are ALL back! 

Hear from you all soon,
