Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

125 Tons of Compost
Hello Everyone,
Well the 125 tons of compost arrived. It took TEN full loads in a huge trailer pulled by the biggest tractor over two days. The weight of the whole load did mean that one of the deliveries did get stuck in the field. Another huge tractor had to come along and rescue tractor number one, pulling the load free from the mud. I will admit that we have not fully levelled the mounds of compost just yet, but this will be complete by Easter.
Our pigs have all been moved into new permanent pig pens. We have decided to put proper robust stock fences up, with electric wires inside each pen. Three pens are up and in operation. Three more stock pens will be established so that we can rotate the pigs around. A holding pen will also be made. The pigs we have, as you know, are Tamworth pedigree pigs. We are caring for them in an organic system. Recently, we discovered that we are the only organically certified pedigree Tamworth breeders in the country. We are delighted to discover this. We are going to continue providing organic pedigree pork for our lovely customers and restaurants. We are also helping to increase the number of organic Tamworth’s by helping to increase the pedigree gene pool. We are selling one of our sows and some weaners (pigs who have just finished being fed by the mum) to farms who also wish to stock organic Tamworth’s. How professional are we becoming!!!