Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Open Day

Open Day

Hello Everyone,

Bob and I hope you are all well.

We also hope that you are able to attend our Open Day this coming Sunday (2nd September). If you can, please email us. It would be great for us to know who is coming.

Well, Autumn seems to have arrived… is September at the end of this week. The Soil Association promotes September as ‘Organic September’. We are taking part and hopefully between the Soil Association, you and ourselves more people will realise the benefits of eating organic produce.

Autumn is a fab time to be around trees. Right now our trees in the Orchard are looking mighty fruitful. Our plums are ready and our apples will soon be ready. The trees with green leaves and the red, green, bronze and blue of the fruits do look like the colours of autumn just beginning.

Our favourite polytunnel is the one filled with the tomatoes. However, another favourite is the tunnel with the winter squash cage. We have squash which are small, some medium in size and some huge! The squash just keeps on growing and is yet another sign that autumn is on its way.

Hope to see you at the weekend,
