Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Box Scheme is very busy
Hello everyone,
Well how busy were we with the box scheme last week!
This maybe because we are brilliant or maybe something to do with the end of half term or maybe the news that there are shortages of some fresh foods in the big shops. Whatever the reason, thank you for all your support.
Unfortunately, once capacity has been reached, we have to close the website shop. A sign is placed on the website saying…."SOLD OUT".
Capacity is largely determined by how many boxes we can get into the Delivery Van - once it is full there is no way we can deliver anymore. Sorry.
We placed the "Sold Out" sign last Sunday afternoon at 4.30ish. That is how busy we were!
And we expect to be as busy this week. So if you want to confirm an order for this coming week the advice is to get your order in as soon as possible.
To fulfil the many more orders received last week Bob delivered on a Wednesday and some of you lovely customers received their box on a different day. (Apologies if this caused confusion).
We have a process which, made with a bit of tweaking over the years, has become quite smooth. We know what we are capable of, so, we know when we have sufficient orders each week. Time management is huge to us. Harvesting, packing and delivering uses half of our weekly time, under normal circumstances. The other half is spent with activities on the farm.
Back to the farm....As you can see from the pic above, Spring has arrived at long last. So, the planting out of the first new season crops happened this week. Lovely Lucy planted out the broad beans which were sown over the festive season. We have tended to have one centre bed of broad beans, however, this year we have trebled the number to three (only two seen here in polytunnel ten, there is another bed sown in tunnel seven). All of our crop numbers and amounts have been increased, to cater for you our lovely customers. We are really excited about the Spring Season and our Fresh Local Organic Seasonal Produce.
As mentioned the other week, the fencing around the Orchard Field was completed and made the Pond Field fencing look quite sad. Well Graham the Great has now completed the new fencing around this bed. We are looking very smart.
The crops we have available are now growing and replenishing much faster than during the Winter Season. This is due to the extra light and some warmth during daytime. This is well received here on the farm. But, the big but, from this weekend we are in for some freezing conditions for quite a few days. Our polytunnel doors and sides will be closed to reduce any heat loss during the night. But the doors will be back open each morning.
So, thank you for your orders, stay safe and keep warm,