Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Certification Review Went Well
It is going to be a very different Christmas for everyone this year but Bob, the Crew and myself hope that you can still enter into that festive feeling by still enjoying your festive food.
As promised last week, today I am going to explain our Christmas Plan.
Our Christmas Organic Fruit and Vegetable box is on the website from this week. We have put together all the delish goodies you will need to make your meals a festive feast. Other “normal” boxes can also be ordered for delivery in Christmas week. Our Christmas delivery is by far our busiest week of the year so it will help us a lot if you can place…..
Your orders for the Christmas week delivery by the 15th of December please
This is just for the Christmas deliveries, we will be working and delivering your normal boxes through till 18th December. Then it will be Christmas delivery week. We will then be closed over Christmas/New Year with deliveries starting again week commencing 11th January.
Don’t worry, I will continue to remind you of the dates on the weekly blog.
The contents of the Christmas Box will be:
2kg Potatoes, 1kg Carrots, 1kg Onions, 1/2kg Brussel Sprouts, 1/2kg Parsnips, 1 x Broccoli, Bunch of Kale, 1/2Kg Leeks, 1 x Red Cabbage, 1 x Swede, 6 x Apples, 4 x Oranges, 8 x Satsuma/Clementines, 2 x Lemon, and a salad bag of Tomatoes, Cucumber and Leaves.
You will be able to buy much more to compliment these boxes, including Pork, on the shop closer to Christmas – look out for Pork availability over the weekend of 12/13 December.
Christmas Day happens to be on a Friday this year. Consequently, the delivery days will all be brought forward by two days……
Wednesday delivery will be on the Monday, 21st December
Thursday deliveries will be on the Tuesday, 22nd December
Friday deliveries will be on the Wednesday, 23rd December
We hope the boxes being delivered to you makes life a little easier and simpler……think of the socially distanced queues just getting into the shops!
You will also be buying Fresh, Local and Organic…….yes Organic. Our Soil Association Review on Monday passed without a hiccup. We have had our Organic Status renewed again. The day was not as difficult as I certainly thought it could have been. The main concern was that all the great preparation and information Bob had completed went into the junk box of the examiner. It was not until nearly two hours into the review that anyone realised. Ho hum! A good issue to have as to be honest it was the only issue we had. However, any assessor must find something……one minor instance of how to enhance our record keeping (and there is such a lot of record keeping!)….was all that was suggested. Bob and I were very happy but very tired after the day.
We have now been continually certified organic since July 2013!
Thank you for continuing to place your orders early. It truly helps as the day light has gone by just after three in the afternoon. This is certainly reducing our work time. Bob also likes to be delivering earlier in the day due to the lack of light. We continue to increase our customer base so, order early, particularly your Festive Boxes.
Take Care and Stay Very Safe,