Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Days are already starting to get shorter
Hello everyone,
Bob and I hope you are all very well.
Already there are signs that the summer is ending, the days are a little cooler and the evenings darker earlier. Our Fresh Local Seasonal Produce are also gearing up for a change. As you can see above, we have Kale back on the menu. Brassicas are back with a vengeance…Kales, Calabrese, Broccoli, Cauliflowers and Romanesque will make an appearance over the coming weeks. Summer Leeks along with Courgettes and Fennel are good right now. This does not mean that our fruiting goodies are over. We still have an abundance of Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Chillies and Aubergines.
Yesterday I spent the time feeding all our fruiting veggies. We give them a good drink of seaweed extract every few weeks. This helps to maintain the roots as well as taking care of the growth above ground. Lots of micro nutrients are taken into the plant and helps to keep the now fruit filled plants, able to produce even more lovely Cucumbers and Tomatoes etc.
The lovely Lucy has spent much of her time de-leafing the Tomato plants over the last week. I have been doing the same with the Cucumbers. As I mentioned earlier, the days are starting to shorten with it getting dark at about 8.30. The heat is also getting less during the day and definitely less at night. De-leafing brings more light and heat closer to the Tomatoes and Cucumbers. We then have more to offer up in our boxes.
The Peppers and Chilli Peppers are also ripening well. If they are slow to ripen then these too, will be de-leafed.
These chores are all really time consuming, producing lots of greenery for the compost bins. This in turn will help future Tomato and Cucumbers, along with all other plants we grow, as we top up our beds with fresh compost....the circle of life.
Harvesting for your colourful boxes is also quite time consuming at the moment. We have such a great selection of organic goodies for you. The seasonal boxes truly are seasonal. We hope you are enjoying receiving and cooking with your delivery.
Whilst we are delivering next week we will not be delivering week commencing 26th August. It is August Bank Holiday week and we have some family get togethers that week which we are very much looking forward to.
A reminder that we have our gardening courses coming along in the next few weeks. We still have a few places left on each day. We had a great response to the courses we have given earlier in the summer. We are looking forward to meeting our next groups. All you need will be here, ready for you, on the farm…paper, pens, notes, drinks, food and of course the gorgeous Bob.
Thank you for your continued support and all enjoy your week,