Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Deliveries in Beautiful Countryside
Hello everyone,
Another week in lockdown…..gone!
Bob and I hope you are all coping. Bob goes to some amazing places and sees gorgeous views while delivering to you our lovely customers. Just take a look at the fantastic vista in today’s pic which Bob took last Friday. On Bob’s return from delivering, I ask and he provides all the lovely chat from you. It is great to know that you are well, what you are eating and making, and the great variety of things you are doing to occupy your time.
We are also coping, just! Thank you for your understanding re the bags and it’s contents. As I have mentioned previously, we are in the ‘hungry gap’. So at this stage there are many roots but before the fresh salads and summer seasonal crops. One crop which is seasonal now….asparagus. This week asparagus will be in your bags. We are relying on an organic farm in North Yorkshire to help with this. So, fingers crossed, they are able to help us and in turn you receive a bag which has moved with the season.
All three new polytunnels are now nearly complete. By the end of this week we expect to be able to begin preparing the no-dig beds. This is very exciting as we will then have 1/4 acre of covered cropping….we are very easily pleased! However, a job which has to be carried out each and every day is the opening and closing of the tunnel doors. We will have to find, at least another half an hour each day just to do this! (probably a slight exaggeration here me thinks, but it will add to our duties).
Another very, very exciting bit of news is a new venture we will have with one of our friends, neighbour and customer – Faye.
Faye was a semi finalist in Masterchef. She is a great chef. We have teamed up with Faye and our ‘resident chef’ will be providing seasonal recipes, tips and knowledge. So, watch this space……we are soooo excited. Huge welcome to Faye in the next few weeks.
Sunday brought rain. We were delighted as we are constantly watering the crops at the moment. As you will know yourselves, the weather has been lovely and sunny but extremely dry. The heavens opened and bounced off the tunnels. Great to see and hear. The sun returns on Thursday and it is said to be very hot…..great for Bob as he will be able to look at all the beautiful countryside in all it’s sunny glory.