Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Happy Easter
A Happy Easter to You All
The Crew, Bob and I hope you are having a very enjoyable weekend, eating chocolate and maybe having garden chats with family and friends. Fingers crossed that the extra bumper Seasonal, Large and Fruit and Vegetable Boxes delivered to some of you, our lovely customers, come in handy to help feed yourselves and maybe your guests. Either way, we hope you have been enjoying the Organic Goodies.
As we enjoy the gathering of friends and family, even if it is with a few people at a time and outside only, so the chickens and ducks can gather out of the hen houses once again. As of April 1st, yes it is true and not a fools day jest, birds can now come out to play. Thank goodness! They are now back roaming the Orchard Field, except for two white ones and one black!……I had hoped that being in Avian bird flu lockdown all memory of how to jump the wicket fence, which separates the garden from the Orchard Field, would have been erased. Unfortunately Not! Now I will get frustrated and annoyed at the blighters. They are not supposed to be allowed in the garden, I do keep telling them that they have three acres of orchard to wander about in….it is all for them….that the garden area is supposed to be for me. But, will they listen….not a jot! I will have to rise above it and just be very pleased, which I am, that they are out and about doing what comes naturally. They are scratching and pecking and ruling the roost.
The ducks are also back where they should be: the pond. Watching them return to the pond was fab. Even though Bob had to literally walk them across the field to the water. Clearly they had some memory erased! Thankfully, they did remember how to swim and have enjoyed splashing and dipping for most of the time since leaving the house.
If you follow Hexhamshire Organics on social media, you may have seen that Bob and I (mainly Bob) have been interviewed by the press. The article made it to the Saturday edition of the Financial Times!
It also made it online and if you wish to read the article, just search for an article with the FT asking if people should start a business in there 50s or click this link Obviously, my answer to that question is ‘it’s a YES from me!’. While we can, we will. Enjoy the read.
The Crew are having a well deserved long weekend off. They have been working extremely hard, Graham making sure that we are ready for the planting out and Lucy planting out. When they are both back, this is to be continued. We are making great progress and filling the tunnels and the outside areas will be the priority over the next few weeks. The organic crops already planted are coming along a treat. The view into the tunnels is looking lush with the crops growing by the day. Fingers crossed that the forecast cold snap/snow is very short lived and that the sun and warmth increases allowing the crops to grow by the hour!
(Wonder if Bob finds the chocolate I have hidden around the house?) Enjoy what is left of the Easter break, Still Stay Safe,