Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Hello to the Summer Season
Hello Everyone,
Hello to the season of Summer!
Yesterday was the first of June and the first day of Summer. Low and behold we even got a beautiful summer’s evening. Just look at the blue sky over the herb garden above. Bob and I worked outside till the football started. I will admit we started late in the day as we were at Hjem restaurant for a very tasty lunch. Bob’s Mum was 100 in April and as part of the celebrations we decided to take her for a slap up meal. Not a single bit of food was left on her fifteen course plates, or on ours. What a huge treat. I just want to be like my Mother in Law when I grow up! Her legs are a bit stiff but her attitude to life is amazing. For instance, at the moment my M-in-L is knitting blankets, hats and jackets to give to newly born babies born in Cramlington Hospital.
This time of the year there is such a lot to do…sowing, planting out, tending, watering, cutting grass, keeping unwanted pests away and keeping unwanted plants away. Plus we have to harvest, pack and deliver. Everything takes time and the choice of what to do just seems endless. I find that the best idea is to consider something, anything, then go for it! Last night I cut the grass and Bob tended some of the outside beds. We will never complete alllll the jobs , so completing something should be regarded as a success. I have come to the conclusion that we will never be without a list or without tasks. (That is unless we have at least fifty Crew members).
Bob has many attributes, one being ‘planning’. He constantly thinks about how we should be improving. So, as we do not have the ability to hire fifty crew, the work schedule must be prioritised. Bob is excellent when it comes to planning the work schedule. He judges what the main tasks should be depending on the plants which are ready to go in the ground, or the beds which are about to become empty or maybe there are special visitors coming to the farm and we need to prepare and make the farm safer.
We do have some special visitors over the coming few weeks:
On Tuesday we have an exciting day of visitors. However, I cannot tell you about this ‘happening’, not until all can be revealed…it’s a secret.
On Father’s Day we are part of the Shire Garden Trail. Hexhamshire open gardens to the public for St Helen’s, the local church.
In July we have our two one day courses when Bob may be giving away some of our secrets. (Sorry, we have no secrets, but Bob will be giving lots of top tips). There are some places still available.
Talking to a few of you, our lovely customers, we realise that you have been missing your chance to order a box. We are closing our shop earlier and earlier each week. We do this when we reach capacity. This is another aspect to the planning process. We are sorry if you miss a chance to order. It is all on a first come basis via the website. For us, as a business it is good to know we have sufficient lovely customers. What I take from this is that there are enough people around us who want Fresh Local Organic Produce but few, if any, suppliers to provide this service! (On my soap box)…I wish there were opportunities for younger people to do what we do. We know that there are many who would grab the chance if finance and guidance was made available. It is hard work and it is expensive to start but the demand seems to be out there. I am off my box.
Bob and I are now going to choose something from our list of tasks. Doesn’t matter what we choose as long as we do something. Whatever your task of choice is on this sunny Sunday…Enjoy!
Take care,