Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

It's Getting Hotter!
Hello Everyone,
Apparently, I have written almost five years of this Journal. I am surprised at myself if not a little chuffed. The notes I make are from every week of the year, bar the few we have off over the new year period. Over the five year period I have not missed a weekly Journal yet! I hope you are finding them interesting and not too repetitive or boring. They are a great reference source for us. This, along with Instagram, help us to compare year on year details from the farm. I hope they are of interest to you all, our very lovely customers, especially those who very kindly gave Bob a new cook book and the preserves made from our Fresh Local Organic Produce we receive from many of you. Huge hugs and thank you.
So, this weeks Journal….Please take care of yourselves and those around you over the coming, extremely hot, days. Take it slowly, drink lots and rest when you can. Sound advice and I am hoping that we take heed of this ourselves. We have decided that if it gets unbearably uncomfortable the crew will call it a day and make up the hours on a later day. We will be concentrating on watering all the crops constantly. The greenhouses and polytunnels will not be fit to work in. The outside will have the ‘blistering’ sun blazing down on us. We will be taking sensible precautions, factor on, covering up and a hat, while in the fields. Harvesting will be very slow, but we will harvest.
Bob and I have decided that on Monday we are taking the grandchildren to a small river near where we live…Devils Water. It will be shaded, cool and fun. Our last two days before the school summer holidays. We will be seeing them over the holidays but the parents will be with them…maybe we should put the parents to work…quid-pro-quo?!
Pork is back on the website. Without mentioning this last week, we still sold quite a bit. Some customers must be researching the contents of the shop…well done! We did not have time to place the pork on the website as the pork came back from the butcher last Sunday. There is plenty of sausages (and yes, we also have gluten-free sausages), loin, belly slices, flat-belly, shoulders, legs, chops, diced, liver, hearts, tenderloin, ribs and kidney as three pigs went to market. The bacon is being cured and will be ready in around three weeks. All ready for the barbecue season.
The broad beans are now finished. But never fear, the French Beans are now available again. Bob and I had the Potatoes, Peas and French Beans with our Salmon last night, the veggies were delish. We hope you are all enjoying the goodies from this season. They all taste really fresh. To keep them that way I am off to water water water. I may even put the overhead watering on in a tunnel and refresh myself.
It is worth getting your orders placed early as we have reached our capacity on both of the last two weeks and have had to stop taking any more orders for that week.
Please stay cool,