Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Juicing Time
Hello Everyone,
This week we juiced! We have started….but we still have lots of apples still to juice!
Bob and I quickly got into the rhythm of sorting the apples, then washing, pulping, pressing, bottling and finally pasteurising the bottled apple juice. Each bottle was then labelled. We did very well, filling as many bottles as we did, however, we totally forgot how time consuming the process is. Hence, we still have many more hours of juicing and bottling ahead of us.
Juicing and bottling makes for a really enjoyable day, especially when the apples you have watched grow are used to make such a delicious drink….ask Bob how good the juice is….once again, he became top-taster!
Normally, I am in bed by ten, I like and need my sleep! But Monday night was a late one. Bob and I have decided that we need to change a few things, that we need to look at our ‘social media’ (get me!). We spent a long time on Monday night working on a new logo (see below). We came up with a logo then we (Bob) added the logo to our ‘social media platforms’ (get me again!), next step will be to revamp the website. Please take a look above.
So, Monday night was a late one….however, Tuesday morning was an early one! As you will all know the wind was howling. It was really bad at some point during the night. So bad one of the two pig sty’s we have in the field for the pigs to sleep in, was picked up and upended across the electric fencing by the force of the wind. This was rectified quickly, by us both, just as it got light. But, the most wonderful sight was all five pigs running from the remaining sty when they heard the food being put in the trough! They had all bunked-in together…they had a sleep over… of those ‘we are easily pleased’ moments.
We are at Jesmond Food Market this Saturday.
Take care,