Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Lots more compost
Hello Everyone,
Bob and I hope you are all well.
Today we finished work outside at 4.40pm and it was just starting to get dark. The weather app on my phone says that tomorrow it will be sun-up at 8.08am and be getting dark at 4.35pm. In two weeks time it will be sun-up as early as 7.45am and still light at 5.00pm!!!
How good does that sound. The winter months have, so far, provided no real winter weather. The cold, frost and snow….. I do not mind. The dark mornings and nights have never been pleasant but we are on the right track for longer days. Hooray!
This week we had eleven tons of compost delivered. This is the first of a few drop offs of the compost. We will be storing all the compost in our compost bins in the Pond Field. Over the coming months it will be being used, both inside the tunnels and outside in the Pond Field. The compost bins can just be seen to the right of the huge trailer in the photo above. There are six huge bins along the entrance to this field and they will all be chock-a-block shortly. Each time a new crop will be sown, it will be planted into a new top layer of the compost. This is all part of our ‘no-dig’ approach……we just keep layering up the area we plant with fresh compost.
We not only have compost delivered, we also make our own compost. We shred all the greenery and waste, which does not get devoured by the pigs, into the compost bins which are at the entrance to the Green Field. The shredded mixture is stored in the bins over the year and then we use this as potting compost and also placed in the beds of the herb garden and the polytunnels. Hashtag – nothing goes to waste!
The pork has now been replenished. Sooooo much of our pork was eaten, by you all, over the festive season that not a lot was left on the website for the new year. We are now back to a full compliment. Bacon, Sausages, Chops, Diced and Joints, for instance, are all back on the website!
The eggs will soon be back on the website as well. As I was saying, we are getting the light back in our days. This means our girls are also nearly in full production.
Think of the weekend breakfasts…..sausage, bacon, eggs, mushroom, tomatoes and sauce….are you a red sauce or a brown sauce? Whichever you are enjoy your week.
Take care,