Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Lots of Seeding
Morning Everyone from a snowy Shire.
One of our cars was booked in for the annual service this morning. Thankfully, we both set off to the garage in both of our cars so as to bring the other half of the team home. As the weather was so bad, the car just would not grip on the hilly parts of the road.
The Defender came to the rescue! It is at times like today that we can be thankful we have the Defender. It is a great vehicle for the trailers, field work, transporting goods and boxes and…..pulling the other car in the snow. Like the other week, the snow will probably be here and gone within the day.
The snow does look pretty to look at and I will be watching it all from ‘the office’. I am back in the greenhouses to sow seeds. Already, the first of this year’s thirty three and a half thousand seeds have been sown and will be transplanted out into the polytunnels during the first week of March. Yes I said thirty three and a half thousand!!! It sounds daunting….it is daunting….however it is like anything we have to do, we break it down into chunks and deal with a little at a time.
The planning over the last few weeks has been an enormous help. We know exactly which seeds need sowing and when and where they are to be transplanted. This is all explained on our crop plan and sowing plan. The chunks are the months, which means we deal with each month and have faith in the plan just falling into place. Fingers crossed everyone, please.
Very soon we will be asking you, our lovely customers, to practice having your order placed in by Wednesday morning. As you have just read we are sowing thirty three and a half thousand seeds….eventually they will be the crops we harvest to fill the organic boxes we deliver to you. The number of lovely customers is growing and as a consequence the amount of harvest is growing (pardon the pun). If we can receive your orders early, we also harvest early and deliver the boxes on time to. Thus ensuring….
Local Fresh Organic
See you soon,