Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Lots to plant out
Hello everyone,
We hope you are all really well.
As you can see from the above picture, we have quite a bit of work on our hands. This is just a fraction of the plugs we have to plant out and we have already planted out a large number of crops. The seedlings in the photo are in the waiting area (polytunnel ten), plus we have two green houses full of more seedlings....and we still have seeding to do.
The Pond Field is approximately two thirds full of: garlic, shallots, peas, sugersnap peas, cauliflowers, romanesque, onions, kales, potatoes, jerusalem artichokes and scorzonera. We then have cabbages, red onions, beetroots, lettuces, herbs and chard in the waiting area. The greenhouses have all the summer fruiting goodies: tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, peppers, chillies, herbs (lots of basil), more onions, fennel, celery, and the start of the overwintering crops. Plus, I haven’t even started to discuss the polytunnels which are also going through the change of seasonal crops. We have: chards, spinach, onions, spring onions, broad beans, lettuces, mesclun mixes, herbs, kohlrabi, cavolonero, leeks, radish, mustards. I have probably missed some of the seeds we have sown, but I think you are getting the picture. Loads and loads of Fresh Local Organic produce.
The months of April and May and no doubt going into June, must be the busiest time of the year for fruit and vegetable growers. We feel like we are chasing our tales, in a very organised manner, obviously.
Thank you for your continued support, the returned boxes are greatly appreciated, don’t forget Midnight Monday for ordering cut-off and take care.
Take great care,