Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Lovely Herbs
Hello Everyone,
Bob and I hope all is very well with you during, what can only be called, totally chaotic times. We are all deciding what our ‘New Norm’ is going to be. I would like to think that, going forward, good things can come from these times. For instance….people have been taking time to walk or ride a bike instead of just jumping in the car. The result being fitter people. People are considering how to buy food, not just running around the supermarket and grabbing ‘stuff’. Hopefully becoming healthier people.
We have certainly seen the results of people considering how to buy their food. Our box scheme has become extremely popular and so, according to the Soil Association, have lots of other schemes around the country. Obviously, we are delighted. We know that eating organic produce means that the taste is soooo much better than non organic.
Getting produce from a box scheme also has lots of other merits.
The produce tends to be seasonal which is an education in itself……beans will definitely be in your delivery this week as they are definitely in season, asparagus will, hopefully, also be part of your bag but this is the end of the asparagus season. (Enjoy). The herbs are still prolific (see picture above) and it would seem you are all loving them. (My favourite herb – basil – is not quite ready, but as soon as that is ready we will let you know. This is a clever herb as it is generally in season when the tomatoes are also in season….very clever).
The environment is being cared for by all organic farmers and growers. We consider the nature around us. This is not only the animals, birds and bees. We get down and dirty and protect the earth….the soil. We do not use any chemicals at all. We use the worms, microbes and insects within the soil to help us create a better quality of soil to grow our organic produce.
Buying from a local organic farm ensures that the produce is as fresh as possible. Bob and I harvest our produce on the day it is to be delivered to you, our lovely customers.
Plastic is a no no…..say no more!
All farmers care for their animals. Organic farmers have to follow a rigorous approach to caring for their animals. Our pigs, chickens and ducks roam free with plenty of space to allow this to happen.
These are just a few reasons why buying organic is, hopefully, the ‘New Norm’.
Thank you for being part of our box scheme.