Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

New Website!
Well, the new website is now ‘Live’!
We are very happy with how it looks and we have had very few issues since it went "Live". There are, obviously, a small number of teething troubles but nothing which cannot be solved. It looks funky and the customers we did ask to try the process have all approved of the look and use.
We are really looking forward to a full week of use by you, our lovely customers, then we will have a much better understanding as to how advantageous it is to both you and us.
The one key thing to note is that if you have shopped with us before and have an account, you will to need to reset your password before you log in. This is for security reasons. As the website is on a completely new platform it is very important that security is at the forefront.
Click on the Forgot Your Password? link below the Login and instructions will be emailed to you straight away on how to reset your password.
We do apologise for any inconvenience caused and would like to reassure you that you will only need to do this once on your first visit to the new Hexhamshire Organics website.
One big change you will notice is that we have moved away from PayPal. You can use all major debit and credit cards.
The new website is on a Shopify platform. Shopify is one of the biggest providers globally of business websites. There are 1.7m businesses currently hosted by Shopify across 175 countries.
The website was designed and developed by Venture Stream a Newcastle based ecommerce and digital marketing agency - and we think they did a wonderful job.
We have been spending a huge amount of admin time on the old system. With all the free time it will give us I am now expecting to be able to have a facial, hair done, Prosecco lunch and a good book to read while lazing in the garden....oh! Sorry. Dreaming again! No, really it should free up soooo much time for ourselves to work on the land more.
Any issues you do have, please email us as we do want to ‘catch the worm’ and make for a very smooth service.
The electric van is brilliant. Bob has not had an issue with the battery loosing its charge, as yet. He does have a minor panic that one day he will. One thing which does happen while driving is that you are very aware of the miles and the better you drive, being cautious and careful, the more miles can be placed back into the battery...HOW does that work! Some very clever people out there.
The efficiency plan is still coming together and we are very happy with the plans progress.
On the farm, which is still the most important element of our life, lots going on. The Crew are still busy planting out this season’s crops. All the tomatoes are growing very well now along with the broad beans. The cucumbers, aubergines, peppers, green beans, are looking fab in the tunnels. The outside area is nearly full with the courgettes, winter squash, cabbages, broccoli, calabrese, onions and leeks. The next cauliflowers, onions, shallots and garlic will soon be ready to harvest. The produce we are cropping is looking good...lettuce, mesclun, radish, onions, spring onions, leeks, chard, spinach. I have probably forgotten some produce.
The herb garden is coming into its own. The look of the garden is amazing (my personal favourite area at this time of the year). The smell is fantastic and you all seem to approve of the herbs considering how much is being asked for by yourselves. The herb bouquet will be back on the website soon.
Kate, our mummy pig, did have babies last weekend. We now have three new piglets. Sad news that a number of others did not survive this time round. This happens and Mother Nature knows why much better than us people. The three we have are all thriving.
I am now going back to the Prosecco lunch ooops! I mean polytunnels. What am I thinking?
Take care, enjoy the bank holiday,