Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Seasonal Produce
Hello Everyone,
A huge thank you to all who ventured over to the farm last Sunday. Over the day Bob gave a number of talks…he does love to present…and we were really happy with the huge number of questions we were asked. A number of you were even taking notes! Afterwards when talking through the day Bob and I realised and appreciated the interest and enthusiasm for what we are trying to achieve. We hope you now have a greater understanding of the Why-How-Future of ourselves on our little farm. A great day.
Bob and I enjoyed the day but we were shattered at the end of Sunday. We did ‘veg in front of the telly’ after everything had been put to bed outside. After all…we were on the telly!!!
The previous Wednesday the local BBC politics team were filming us and asked us to contribute to the Sunday Politics Show North East. The topic was ‘Can Britain be Self Sufficient?’ Suffice to say, Bob, being our front man, did the talking. We were on the TV for less than a minute! The BBC were here for almost two hours. We did enjoy it and we hope Bob got his points across.
It is all about seasonal produce. One seasonal vegetable which is new for this week is Scorzonera, also known as Black Salsify. We successfully trialled growing it last year and this year we have been growing it in much larger numbers. While Scorzenera is a good example of Fresh Local Organic unfortunately last week we got it wrong with the Cucumbers. We tried to provide Cucumbers for one week too many and they were not up to standard.…I have to apologise about the cucumbers delivered last week. All funds have been refunded to any who bought cucumbers. This is why we do just want to be growing and focusing on seasonal produce going forward.
We still do have lots to be planted into the polytunnels. The space is now being made available and over the coming few weeks we want to have the spinach, rocket, orientals, chards, kales, lettuces, mesclun etc planted for the winter season. The newly wedded lovely Lucy will be returning and hopefully raring to go.
The great Graham has harvested aaaaallllllll the apples. Counting up we reckon we have about a thousand kilos of fruit. Next weekend the juicing will begin, well that is the plan. We are waiting on the bottles arriving. Without the bottles we can not start juicing. Once we start the process we have to complete the process. Fingers crossed they arrive soon.
I have been a bit of a fair weather gardener this weekend. We have had very wet and windy weather. The fires are on in the house and it is oh so cosy. But, we have many months of the autumn and winter weather ahead of us, so, I must try harder and pull on the wellies.
Till next time, take care,