Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Signs of Autumn
Hello Everyone,
What a beautiful week we have just had. The sun has shone and it has been warm. Our mornings have been misty but we knew that the sun would break thru’.
The outside asparagus bed, which has grown and gone to seed, shows how damp the atmosphere has been each morning. The above picture has the diamond droplets of water hanging on every frond. So pretty.
The nights are drawing in and this month the clocks go back. We are into the season of Autumn…big time! The leaves are turning glorious ranges of yellows, golds and orange. Mother Nature is presenting herself for us all to enjoy.
Here on the farm the crop choice is changing. The Crew have planted out many over wintering brassicas, mainly into the tunnels. Space was made and prepared within the tunnels as the beans and aubergine plants were removed. Other bed space has been left and ready for the orientals and winter leaves of spinach, mesclun and rocket.
Work is being carried out within the Pond and Orchard Field beds while we have had this lovely weather. The beds are being covered with suppressant fabric. We will remove the fabric after at least six months in one field and more than a year in the other field. After the six months cover is removed, we will plant Summer crops into this field.
The new garden project has seen very little physical progress this last week but much has still happened. Bob’s ‘Project Manager’ role has seen completion of three of the ‘conditions’ required to allow the building part of the project to begin.
Last week saw little work, however, the last few months we have planted nearly three hundred fruit tree, hedges and the very large beds have been roped off. The beds planned are now slowly having the wood surround secured into the ground. Next week will see the first of the compost being delivered…how exciting!
Fun will be had this week coming, hope you have some fun to,
Take care,