Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Tomato & Chilli Chutney
Hello everyone,
This week Bob and I have concentrated on the remaining tomato vines left in the tunnels. We have harvested all of the tomatoes, whether they were black, yellow, orange, red or green in colour, out they all came. The vines have been removed and placed in the compost bins. The tomatoes which didn’t meet the grade are being fed to the pigs. The tomatoes which do meet the grade will be on the website and at the food market in Jesmond.
Some of the tomatoes, which were going a little soft I have been making into a chutney. I have been using the recipe which was attached to the email a few weeks ago.
Bob loves theTomato and Chilli Chutney/Relish and has decided it goes with goes with everything. We have had toast with the relish. Mashed potato with cheese and the relish folded through. Layers of aubergine with a jar of relish and two dessert spoons of creme fraiche to make a baked aubergine dish. The relish and creme fraiche mixer provided the sauce for a pasta dish. A meal of smoked trout, sauted vegetables and of course the relish. We are not bored with the tomato and chilli chutney/relish just quite yet. It seems to add a little something extra to whatever we have eaten this week. It is on the website now.
Thank you for being sooooo helpful ordering your boxes at the beginning of last week. Bob and I are totally focused on providing you with fresh, local and organic produce. We now have a huge number of lovely customers and collating the harvest plan is quite time consuming. Having the orders in early ensures we have a ‘plan’. Then we are able to harvest and get the boxes out as quickly as possible. As you all know, this time of the year it gets dark from around four o’clock in the afternoon and soon it will be closer to three pm. We would like to have the boxes out to you ASAP.
We are at Jesmond Food Market on Saturday. We know it will be cold but we will get wrapped up cosy and warm.
Have a good week,