Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
We Are Back
Did you miss us?
……..Just a little, we hope.
I am hoping you took the opportunity to use all the produce which may have needed to be eaten. It’s the season for nourishing soups and casseroles. They are great ways to cook with any vegetables which may have been part used or a little past its best. #Nothingshouldgotowaste
We have not wasted our time (altho’ we did have a Monday off and enjoyed a great day at Beamish museum with our first grandson). Being great believers in a list…we made a few. Thankfully, there are some ticks on all the lists and I do love a tick.
The crop plan for end of 2020 and going through to 2021 is on the white board.
The seed order is complete.
The garlic has been broken into cloves and planted.
The onions are nearly all out (about 2-3000 left from the 12000 we began with).
The tomato vines are all down.
The beds are prepared.
The overwintering brassicas are being put out.
The tunnels are being tidied and made good for the winter months.
The admin… ongoing but a great start has been made (well done Bob).
We still and always will have soooo much to do. The crew and ourselves have made inroads and ticks are looking good on the lists. Well done us.
Bob will be back on the road this week with your boxes and bags full of Fresh Local Organic
– produce. All the greens are looking really good. They are crispy, green and tasty. The Cauliflowers are amazing, white and firm. The Peppers are odd shapes and sizes but, again, crispy and sweet. The Padron, Chillies and Hungarian Wax peppers are hot and warming. The Crown Prince squash is probably not the best looking colour but definitely the best tasting. The Jerusalem Artichokes are always good for a quiz question but also very tasty with a nutty twist to your soups and roasted vegetables.
As you can see…lots to choose from.
Please try to place your orders ASAP and definitely by Tuesday morning.
Still Stay Safe,