Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

We Are Back!
Hello everyone,
Happy New Year To You All
We Are Back!
Bob, myself and the Crew hope you have had a safe, well and happy few weeks. We have enjoyed our time off but now ready for New Beginnings.
We did rest but we have also used the time and opportunity to plan for the next twelve months and the new growing seasons. As you can see above, Bob started and has now completed the Crop Plan. The white board is now full of the Fresh Local Organic Produce we will be growing during the coming seasons. There are lots of the standard goodies but there are also lots of new produce, which we are very excited about. During last years seasons we had our test beds full of scorzonero, salsify and root parsley. They were successful, so we are sowing these in a much larger bed for this year. They do take ten months from sowing to harvesting, so please be patient.
We are also growing new globe artichokes and more herbs, peas, chicory, and beans with more varieties of leeks and radish. Generally speaking, more of everything we grow. This we are able to do as a new large growing area within the Orchard Field will be established. We are increasing our growing area for the vegetables and creating an additional herb area. In addition the soft fruiting area we created last year, will be providing lots of berries, including tayberries, cultivated blackberries and the return of our raspberries and strawberries. Lots to look forward to.
Overall we will have an acre of inside and outside growing ground. This is where we will stop. We will have enough from an acre to cater for you, our lovely customers. We have a few large infrastructure jobs to complete…new packing and storing building to be constructed, a new track to the packing area, new growing area within the Orchard Field…and a few smaller jobs…new herb garden, new gate, tweaking chicken and pig runs. Once these are completed we will have our farm completed the way we want it to be. Hooray!!!
Then we will concentrate on the planning, sowing, growing, tending, harvesting, packing, delivering, tidying, all the ‘ings’. But certainly no digging as we continue with our ‘no-dig’ approach.
Over the last two weeks we have also ensured that we have sufficient seeds to grow, the sowing schedule is complete, the green houses have been jet washed and cleaned, the polytunnels have been checked and readied, packing area cleaned and readied, website up and running, the annual business running plan updated. All in readiness. So let the New Year begin….
Till next week, take good care,