Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Where are the birds and the bees?
Hello Everyone,
Morning to you all and how are you all doing?
As ever, the weather has been a challenge for the crew all this week. They have had waterproofs on while working, coz we have had to work outside. The polytunnels are all fine for working in, however, we must complete the planting out of our autumn and winter crops which need to be outside. Leeks, carrots, cabbages, calabrese, purple sprouting broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflowers and beetroot have all been planted out, in the rain! The beds were then covered with netting to keep the pesky pigeons from damaging the new green growth. Hundreds of these plugs have been planted over the last few weeks. They have had no need for watering by ourselves…Mother Nature has played her part and watered for us.
The Pond Field is now full of our organic goodies and, with all the rain, are beginning to grow nicely. We now just need to tend the areas. What we do need to consider are the paths. We use wood chip for paths around all our growing beds and our local tree surgeon will come up with the goods. Wood chip paths act as a great mulch, reducing unwanted growth while retaining moisture to help the plants you do want to grow. As the wood chip rots into the ground it acts as a slow fertiliser, feeding the soil. We find that vegetables growing alongside the paths tend to be stronger and healthier…it must work!
Our herbs, fruit and vegetables are all quite prolific and looking luscious as you can see from our van full of goodies above. We hope you are enjoying cooking and eating them.
This very wet and cool season is resulting in far fewer insects, as noticed in the lack of buzzing in the herb gardens and lavender borders. The lack of bugs also reduces the amount of food for birds. This lack of birds and bugs reduces the pollination of the plants which produce the foods we eat. So, the lack of insects and bugs should be a huge worry to all of us.
Bob has been in touch with our ornithologist pal, Pete, who has explained a number of issues that we face regarding the lack of birds and bugs. Pete says:
The Sahara has grown in size and much of Spain is very dry. All due to the very high temperatures around the globe. The birds who would normally migrate from these areas are struggling as the distance they have to fly in the drought conditions is becoming far too far. The result is fewer summer birds visiting us.
The sudden shocks in the temperature changes…very hot for three days then torrential rain for five days…is impacting on the local birds reproductive system.
There are far fewer wasps, bees, midges, horseflies etc. which is totally due to the weather conditions we are having. Soooo, any birds which do land here have fewer meals of insects. Why do we need birds? Not just because they are amazing creatures, but they also are a natural pest control plus they help to care for the health of our trees and vegetation. They eat and poo, spreading seeds. Along with the insects, birds help in the pollination of our plants…some of which we eat!
Pete says this is the worst year for the lack of birds and bugs and the records, from the last twenty years from the same place each year, prove it. If we want birds and bugs we obviously need to reduce the temperature of the climate.
Feel like this has been a Sunday Sermon…sorry. Just felt the need to say it!
On a lighter note…the school summer holidays have begun for some and will start this week for others. I don’t think there has ever been a time when I haven’t used term times as my annual clock. I have two body clocks…the seasons as a gardener and the term times as a student, Mother and now Grandma. If I am honest the term time clock is my favourite but I am now teaching the season clock to the Grandchildren. That is such a pleasure.
Thank you for your continued support and returning the boxes.
Fingers crossed for the boys in Germany tonight. Dare to dream. Wouldn’t it be fantastic for everyone to be lifted during this damp and cold summer season. Come on England!!!