Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Wild Weather
Hi All,
The weather has been dreadful! Really wet and extremely windy. The area we live in is generally windy, but this has been ridiculous. Thankfully, we have had no real damage: branches are down, seats blown over, trays and containers where they shouldn’t be. The polytunnels are still standing and in good order. We can congratulate Stu for the MOT he gave the tunnels a few weeks back, as any slight rip, hole or tear could see the whole tunnel ripped.
The pig pens are still in place, with the pigs warm, dry and cosy inside. They do not like any extreme of weather. We are delighted they are still in place as moving the pig pens is no mean task as they weigh a ton.
The chickens are all fine and those venturing out alone soon return to the flock. They tend to gather together as safety in numbers is a grand idea. The girls use the barn as a wind break so are usually found at the side which shelters them from the gusts.
Talking of numbers…..we have increased the number of chickens and have some really friendly organic girls. Along with the girls we have, the egg production will only increase.
Our Organic, Roaming Free Chicken Eggs are now back on the produce list.
They may be limited in number till ALL our girls are laying, but it is really good to have them back and earning their keep.
Friday is Valentines Day…..hope you receive lots of love. I know Bob will be loving me, especially as I will be putting all my attention into……the greenhouse! This is the weekend that the major seeding begins. It will be daylight from 7.31 till 5.14. This gives a full 10 hours of day light. The heaters will be on inside the greenhouses which will provide a constant temperature above 8*. It maybe winter outside but in my heart it’s spring. How much pleasure I get from……seeding…..
Happy Valentines
Have a great week and keep warm,
PS I love Bob too