Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

A Busy Time
Hello everyone,
It was quite difficult to decide which pic to show you this week. I didn’t know whether to show you the lines of tomatoes, which the Lovely Lucy has been planting out into the polytunnels? Or should I place a picture of the boys (yes boys) creating the paths in the new outside growing area in the Orchard Field? Or the lines of cucumbers with netting Bob and I planted out last weekend? Well, I didn’t want to promote one over the other, so, the above photo is just a view through the gate and into Polytunnel Six. The onions are growing in the centre bed. This is one of a number of beds of onions. The bed to the left is the mesclun, again just one of our mesclun beds. We plant the leaves, not only to look nice and appealing, but as we harvest the leaves they automatically mix. It also makes me happy to see such straight lines…I know, I have a problem. The leaves are being used now, the onions will be harvested in a few weeks.
So, I said ’boys’. Graham has been working on the farm for quite a while now. Dean has just joined the Crew. Both boys work two days a week, Graham has been priceless and Dean has slotted into the ‘HexOrg Way’ perfectly. Lucy, Graham and Dean are our Dream Team.
Bob delivered a box to a new family in the Tyne Valley area on Friday gone. We are intending to deliver to them until they no longer require a box. It is a donated box from us to them. They arrived from Ukraine last Monday as a result of a good and determined young lady. We are very happy to help this very young family.
The extended bank holiday for the Queens Celebration is coming up soon. After lots of chats between Bob and I, we have decided we will not be delivering that week. We hope you understand and can I say that it will be great for everyone to have a few days of celebrating or doing nothing or being a farmer. Guess which one we will be doing.
The recent article Bob is involved in is being published in this Sundays Telegraph. It will probably be saying nothing you don’t already know.
We have had some really delightful emails and messages from you, our lovely customers. Thank you one and all. My favourite line from one of the messages being - “I should also mention what a great front man you have in Bob”
Brilliant. Thank you Vivien. Really kind words.
You can look at the pics of the tomatoes, paths and cucumbers on Instagram.
No doubt I will be taking more photos over the next few days.
Have a good weekend,
Ann 👩🌾