Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Composting and Sowing
Hello All,
We hope you are all well.
The shredding we started last week is now complete. As the green stuff to be shredded was removed from the top of the compost bins, lovely manure was discovered at the bottom of the compost bins. This manure is a result of the shredded green material which we produced at the beginning of this year.
The manure has been incorporated into some of the beds inside the polytunnels. Bob and I both feel that, at long last, we are now able to feed our land with our own ‘jolly good compost’. We should say a big thank you to our pigs and chickens. They provide lots of much needed nutrients to mix in with our shredded greens. The animals are earning their keep.
The polytunnels are now being filled with broad beans, peas, beetroot, turnip, salad leaves, spinach, spring onions and radish. Some to ‘over-winter’. Some are ready soon. All sown in freshly manured beds.
We have also been back in the greenhouse (my office). Lettuce and early cauliflowers have been sown. It will not be long before the greenhouses are full of lots of lovely seedlings.
The pigs in the barn are enjoying the warmth and company of the chickens and ducks. I do hope that the email next week is full of baby piglet news.
Till next week, have fun.