Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Fresh, Local, Organic

Fresh, Local, Organic

Hello Everyone,

The box scheme here at Hexhamshire Organics is continuing to be very popular during this time. We would like to thank you for your continuing support. Our boxes (bags) we offer, will remain the ‘Family’ and ‘Large Family’ sized bags, with the additional produce found on the website, for the time being.

The bags we are packing will contain a mixture of fresh, seasonal, organic vegetables with some organic fruit. The produce we have here on the farm tends to be harvested the day of your delivery. We want to ensure that our produce is freshly delivered to you and we can say that it was still in the ground or on the plant not twelve hours ago. Which is why Bob can still be delivering into the early evening.


Very often you will have leaves on the produce, for example Beetroot, please use them. They can be used as a leafy vegetable or made into a pesto or a soup. They always add flavour to sauces, sautés or one pot dishes.


Whilst we are very busy delivering we are also extremely busy on the farm. This is the season of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, leaves, beans and onions. We are also planting out for the Summers end. Thankfully, we have started a ‘crew’ (I have always wanted a crew). Stu is helping out with the heavy part of farming. Lucy is an horticulturist. I will bring you up to date with each of our wonderful crew members over the coming weeks.

Take care and still stay safe,
