Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Happy Easter
Hello Everyone,
Good morning and a Happy Easter Sunday.
I do not want to interrupt your day, so, a very short chat this week.
As usual, we are really busy on the farm. The greenhouses are filling up with trays and trays of new seeds being sown. Those seeds of Summer fruiting crops sown earlier this year are being potted on as they out grow the seed trays.
We are out with the old and in with the new in the polytunnels…some winter crops are now finished so fresh young seedlings have been planted out and new seeds have been directly sown.
Everywhere it is starting to look like a new season. Small sprays of blossom are appearing on the plum trees and the Garlic and Globe Artichokes are thriving. The soft fruit area is beginning to pop back to life with tiny lime green leaves and blossom.
We will soon be cutting the grass…if only it would dry up!
The chickens have been playing in the Orchard Field. They are delighted to be able to roam and peck on fresh ground.
So basically, all good, especially for the Crew who have two short weeks to enjoy due to the bank holidays.
Bob and I hope you to full advantage of this long weekend and the Easter break from work and school.
Take care and hear from you soon,