Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Listening to No-Till Podcast
As part of our ongoing research into growing on our organic farm, we follow many people on Podcasts, Instagram and YouTube (I am not advertising here) who are ‘no dig’ or as our North Americans friends say, ‘no till’. Charles Downing is the British guru of ‘no dig’. His approach, which we have adopted, is brilliant for us as well as for garden and allotment growers. Bob and I have attended one of his courses and found it incredibly helpful. The ‘no till’ approach is very similar, it is the North American and Canadian term for ‘no dig’. We have followed many people over the pond and Bob listens to podcasts of these people while working the land. One of which is Farmer Jesse (on Instagram he has over twenty nine thousand followers!). He always starts his podcast with ‘Hi’Y’All! Farmer Jesse here……’. He now follows what we are doing here at Hexhamshire Organics. Farmer Jesse has also asked if we can be interviewed for his podcasts. Obviously Bob said yes. Bob is not one to shy away from these things….me….I will surely find something to do. When we hear the date for when you can hear this podcast, don’t worry, we will tell you.
We are convinced that the ‘no dig’ approach is the right approach for Hexhamshire Organics. We are not saying that it is the answer to every gardening issue. It is our starting point to our systems of sowing, planting, caring, weeding, pest control, planting distances, productivity, quality of produce……and much more. ‘No dig’ runs very nicely alongside our Organic approach. They compliment one another. It is the way we do it.
We hope that you appreciate our approach and enjoy eating the organic goodies we deliver. Bob and I feel that this years produce is much better than last years. But never fear as Bob keeps telling me that next year will be even better! We want to ensure that our produce is:-
The pic above is of the potatoes we have harvested for your delivery this week. They are a variety called Nicola. They are great for roasting, mashing, sautéing and chipping. Who doesn’t like a mashed potato with lashings of butter? They have been in the ground of the Pond Field for about five months, you could say they have been on lockdown. They were planted out in the Spring and we are about to eat them in the late Summer months and on until Winter.
Another crop that we are delighted with this year is our Aubergines. The main variety we have been growing, shown below, is Black Pearl – they taste amazing.
Hear from you soon,
Take care and stay safe,