Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Looking Lush
The farm is becoming lush (my word of the month) with the organic seasonal produce we have to offer. There is an abundance of broad beans. The colourful kale is prolific, see for yourself, above. The chard even more colourful. Crispy celery is tall and strong. The beetroot are beauties. The courgette flowers are yellow, big and bright. The tomatoes and cucumbers are growing inches each day. The cauliflowers are ready and waiting. The carrots are sweet as. The onions are all of differing shapes and sizes, some long and thin, others bulbing nicely. The garlic leaves are changing to yellow, so must be ready soon. The summer cabbages are ‘heading’ our way. The calabrese is very tasty (so the pigeons tell us!) The aubergines and peppers are producing tiny pretty mauve and white flowers. The lettuce and leafy plants just keep on giving. Rhubarb…yes! Then there are the herbs! Amazing!
Move over the ‘hungry gap’ as the bountiful summer season has arrived.
We are very happy, here on the farm as to how we are progressing. Each week sees something new… this week the great Graham has been preparing new beds which, next year will be HexOrgs new strawberry beds. (The old strawberry beds made way for polytunnels 8, 9 and 10). In the meantime our butternut squash has been planted out here. The lovely Lucy has been replacing the overwintering crops areas, now spent, with the new summer/autumn crops.
So progress indeed. However, what does not change is the type and variety of crops we grow. They are seasonal crops and we have very little decision making to do as Mother Nature directs us to what we can and can’t grow from season to season. I get very excited about the seasonal crop changes, they are a sign of the seasonal weather changes and a sign that ‘all good things come to those who wait’. We live now expecting all types of foods all year round….tomatoes and strawberries at Christmas for example. We, instead should eat what is seasonal and be excited that the tomatoes are nearly ready to eat or that the basil ( which is definitely on its way) is available at the same time as tomatoes and they compliment each other so perfectly. I look forward to eating that summer cauliflower and somehow it actually tastes soooo much better with that little touch of anticipation.
So…. Fresh Local Organic produce are on the website now. Enjoy.
P.S. the cut off time for orders delivered to you has changed. Please can you place your orders by midnight on a Monday. We are very busy on the land, harvesting and delivering. This will be of enormous help. Thank you.