Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Open Day: 9th September & 10th September

Open Day: 9th September & 10th September

Hello Everyone,

Whilst harvesting and caring for our plants and crops we are very lucky to be able to spy on many little creatures. The herb gardens are now buzzing with life, it is where I found, what I think is a member of the dragonfly or damselfly family. Please correct me if I am wrong on the identification as I am very much a novice here. But just look at the intricate wing design, absolutely amazing and so so fine and delicate. Mother Nature strikes good again. He, or she, was hiding in amongst the nasturtiums, just hanging around.

The nasturtiums are part of our complimentary planting. We do use the flowers and leaves however, more importantly they attract the bees to help with pollination. They are a smelly plant with a smell which attracts black fly aphids. Better for us that the aphids go here than on the tomatoes or beans which are in the nearby polytunnels. Companion planting is a great way to attract or repel pests. Ideally, we would like to experiment more with this science. It is all about planting things which aid the neighbouring plants. For centuries gardeners have noted that placing certain plants together creates for a better, higher yield. Carrots always grow better when planted near onions. The smell of the onion repels carrot fly. Basil and tomatoes not only taste good together, tomatoes taste better when planted near basil. Beans add nitrogen to the ground and will grow alongside all other crops. 

Complimentary planting is something we actually do not think too hard about, some things just seem natural. Other ideas we do have to think about really hard and take in some research. Bob, the Crew and myself do use the "tinternet" to help with confirming our thoughts on leaf problems or watering issues or timing issues. We do have our ‘go to’ books, with one in particular which has been extremely helpful over all our years of gardening…RHS Vegetable and Fruit Gardening. However, there is nothing better than trial and error or just giving it a go or the years of gardening itself.

If you would like to know more of our living and working gardening knowledge then you are in luck…

…Organic September is nearly upon us. This is the month when all things Organic is explained and promoted as part of the annual Soil Association's Organic September promo.

As part of Organic September we are having not one open day, but two open days! It was quite popular last year, so we feel that it may be a more relaxed time for everyone if we tried a whole weekend, rather than cramming everything into one day. Like last time, the numbers will be limited as, if you all came, we just could not cope. If you would like to visit we are asking you to confirm by email at providing details of who is coming and which day you would prefer. This gives us an idea of numbers. When we reach capacity, I am sorry, but we will have to close the option to visit. The reason for closing will be a pure safety and parking issue.

Dates for you Diary:    Saturday, 9th September 2023

                                      Sunday, 10th September 2023

Time (both days):        1pm till 4pm

Please remember to say how many people will be in your group. 

We will reply to your email with a Yes (or Sorry No if we reach capacity).

You lovely customers, who are receiving "Ann’s Journal", are being given the first option to visit us here at the farm. So the race is on! Who will be first to say they wish to come to the farm? Looking forward to seeing you all here in five weeks time. 

Fingers crossed for some sunny weather,

Take care,
