Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Pedigree Tamowrth Organic Pork
Come on England!!!!!!!!
Last night’s football was very exciting and we have more happy news……our ten, new, little piglets are all doing really well. They are now venturing outside, playing chases and trying their mums organic bran. Mum is a great Mum. She has milk on tap and is taking good care of her little ones. The only time mum becomes selfish is when she has her own food. Nothing interrupts her meal times.
Our previous lot of piglets are now all grown up – in the picture. Some are now ready to go to market. Because our pigs have organic status, we have an organic butcher, who is also certified by the Soil Association. Bob and I are visiting the butcher later today to confirm our plans for the coming weeks. We will be selling our organic pedigree pork soon. We will be explaining how you can order any pork you wish to buy… week.
As Bob is the vegetarian pig farmer, he has not tasted any of our organic pork…..I have! Oh my! The crackling certainly is crackling and the pork chops are huge. The taste is amazing…from the roasts to the chops to the belly pork….it is all good.
Take care,