Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Soil Association 75 Years Old

Soil Association 75 Years Old

Hello Everyone,

Bob and I hope you are all ok and well.

This year the Soil Association celebrates being an organisation for 75 years. It all began in 1946. Lady Eve Balfour, a farmer who was the first women to study agriculture at an educational institution, now known as Reading University, wrote ‘The Living Soil’….the original sustainability and farming research book. She then began campaigning against the use of pesticides such as DDT. Eve wanted to make a change for the better. The Soil Association is still trying to make that change and continue Eve’s dedication to Soil…’s in the name!

All life stems from the Soil, the Soil Association has a code of practice for farmers to follow. Organic farmers follow the ‘Standards’ set out by the S.A. which results in certification. We follow these standards which ensures that we take care of our soil, follow the rules to care for our animals and so produce good quality food. Soil is now going to be recognised as a ‘public good’, i.e. something which is for the common good of society.

The RHS have been running the National Gardening Week all this week. It raises awareness of gardening and horticulture. It wants us all to get involved in any way we would like with gardening. This can be anything from working in the garden, walking in the park and looking at the gardens, watching Gardeners World or sowing seeds with little ones….all involve the soil in some form.

Down on the farm, we work with Soil every single day and we thoroughly enjoy it!
BTW….it took thirty seven years for a full ban on DDT in the UK. The S.A. continue with Research and Development and campaigns for a much more sustainable and better future for all. (my Line of Duty moment, can’t wait to see the final. Enjoy if you are watching).

We are all still very busy planting out our seedlings. Above is a photo of Polytunnel 10, showing some of our lettuces, and to the left are Cauliflowers. We are wishing for a ten day week at the moment, so going to crack on….

Take care and Still Stay Safe,
