Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Strawberry Season
Hello Everyone,
Strawberry Season has arrived at Hexhamshire Organics!
We picked our first strawberries last Friday afternoon. We sold everyone of our punnets on Saturday at Jesmond Food Market. We could have sold more than we took! We have strawberries for the box scheme this week and every week….till we run out!
This year we should have such a huge amount of this tasty fruit for a few different reasons……we planted the runners from last years plants which has increased the number of plants to harvest from….the weather has been ideal for strawberries this year….we have concentrated on the weeding (back breaking!) and care of each plant over the early part of the spring….but more importantly….we have covered all the strawberry patch (which is huge) with protective netting.
Bob and I really enjoy seeing all the wild life we have, here in the Shire, however, our lovely black birds and wood pigeons cause us great frustration when they decide to peck at the biggest and most juicy strawberry. It would not be so bad if they ate the whole fruit, but no, they literally take one peck from the fruit and move onto the next fruit. We have totally confused the birds with the netting. Except when Bob harvested today! The netting is removed to allow us to harvest and as soon as Bob removed the net two blackbirds went in and under the netting!!! They must be watching our every move. Clever little blighters! Bob did get them back out before collecting the strawbs.
If you take any strawberries….enjoy because they are soooooo tasty.