Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Thank you NHS
Hello Everyone,
As some of you know, last week I had quite an accident, falling down the stairs. Time was spent in hospital…stitches were involved. I will be absolutely fine (lucky me) but will have to take it very slowly for a while. The NHS are an amazing group of kind, caring, experts who should get the money they are asking for as far as I am concerned.
Last week Esther was also not well, and with Lucy on holiday we went from a team of five to a team of two. Bob and Graham worked soooo hard, harvesting, packing and delivering all the goodies for the restaurants and you our lovey customers. Graham even was thoughtful enough to take the picture for the week of some celeriac harvested for the box scheme. He now is part of the social media team (me!).
The number of thoughtful, caring, gorgeous messages Bob and I have received has been amazing. We knew we had lovely customers. We now have the proof, if we needed it. Thank you Thank you Thank you for all your wishes and kindness. They mean sooo much to Bob and myself.
I will not be on the team for a couple of weeks but our magnificent Crew and Bob will be working really hard. But don’t worry, I will be keeping an eye on them (only joking).
Huge hugs to you all,