Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

The month of May

The month of May


May is here, how fab. It has been a long time coming, but we made it to the lovely month of May. This is a great month…longer days, brighter days, flowers and gorgeous blossom.

Our Orchard Field is becoming very established. The pond is looking like quite a natural setting for the ducks. The silver birch copse is growing and looking mighty fine blowing in the wind and creating some shade for the chickens to sit in. The paths and barn have disappeared into the field setting. However, the best part about the Orchard Field is, obviously, the Orchard. Particularly at this time of the year.

We have higher hopes this year for our fruit trees. We feel we know them all a little better. (Yes, I know, but they have actually become individuals as trees and yes, we walk around the Orchard and can now distinguish the characteristics of the trees…..we are just short of having ‘meaningful chats with trees’). The plum trees have been the first to produce blossom. If I am honest, our plum trees have never been as productive as we have wished. However, we have never seen as much blossom on the plum trees as we are seeing this year. Fingers crossed for a bumper crop of Organic red, purple and yellow plums.

All the trees have grown and this year steps will be required for collecting the fruit, me thinks. Over the past few years, Bob has always pruned the trees to create the wine goblet shape of a fruit tree. This year we can now just tend the trees and shape where required. Mainly no growth crossing over or touching another branch otherwise they are cut.

Bob does the pruning and tending of the trees. We both walk around the trees shortly and remove any little bugs and webs we see on the trees. Me….I cut the Orchard Field while sitting on ‘my’ tractor, with all the chickens following me and having a feast of little creatures…..I cannot wait!
