Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
We all love a plan
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are all well.
Well……..the silly season is nearly upon us……….Arrrrrgh!!!!!!!!
Bob and I are always talking, chatting and planning for Hexhamshire Organics.
Should I say Bob! is constantly planning. He loves to chat about our progress, our future plans and the numbers are crunched. On a morning he compiles a list of everything we have to do that day (who doesn’t like a tick list?!). We will then probably go through the crop plan, (again!), for the coming year. Then we will talk through the week and what we would like to achieve. Then we always talk about “this time next year” and how what we have learnt this year which will make next year soooooo much better. These ‘breakfast meetings’ are a throw back to how Bob worked in his previous career……..plan tomorrow today, plan next week this week, plan next year this year.
Hopefully, it is working. We both enjoy a plan and find it is the only way for us to operate. Our plan is always in our head. But the major part of our plan is on the White Board, this being the Crop Plan. Bob loves his White Board and I would never dream of changing it!
We do realise that part of next weeks plan, which we are planning this week, will be how December will operate. So, next weeks email will be all about the ‘silly season’. I apologise now!
Till then, Bob will adoringly look at his White Board and I will make more chutney.
All have a good week,