Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Winter Jobs

Winter Jobs

Hello Everyone,

Bob and I hope you are all really well and ready for the coming four weeks. For us, the coming season always arrives with a surprise. But, somehow, we manage to complete all festive tasks on time and have fun.

Talking of ‘tasks’…..we are gradually completing the Hexhamshire Organics tasks. The ground works are all coming together. The early spring will see this task complete. The arrangements for the winter jobs are under way…..we are putting manure and compost on the ground when it becomes free; a huge tidy has begun with all field areas being sorted and the big polytunnel clean about to be started; raspberry canes have been cut down; a few apple trees have been moved to improved areas of the Orchard; the fruit cage has been cleaned of weeds and ready for another topping of mulch; movement of strawberry plants has been booked in on the list along with planning a flower garden!

This is just a selection of our ‘tasks’! Bob and I are constantly thinking of things we have to do which means we are constantly making ‘lists’. Someday we may even complete all our tasks!

The pigs have all been moved around to new pens. Unfortunately, when the weather is wet, the pigs really do make a muddy mess. They seem to enjoy the mud much better than we do….not sure why? Total waterproof outfit worn when visiting the pigs. The piglets are all cozy and warm in the pig sty. They have lots and lots of straw to play ‘all pile on!’. So far, they have not ventured outside and who can blame them.

Our Organic Pork selection has increased somewhat since last week. We have a huge selection of joints of Organic Pork in assorted sizes for the coming weeks. Please, take a look on the Create Your Own Box for all our choices. We are really happy with all your lovely comments about the taste of our pork….thank you.
