Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Dark Nights
Hello Everyone,
The dark nights have arrived. We can make the nights warm and cosy and enjoy being inside. The day time is also something to enjoy but we just do not have enough of day light time. No doubt, we will get used to less time to work outside….the dark seems to beat us and arrives before we are done!
Bob and I decided a while ago that, during the darker nights, we would work on our ‘social media’! We have started….the web-site is going through a major re- boot; twitter, facebook and instagram are all being tweaked; the new logo has been finalised.We hope all of this helps our lovely customers. Please take a look….
A job for this week…harvesting the remaining tomatoes and removing the tomato bushes from the polytunnels. Bob and I know we planted the tomatoes a little late in the season. However, the up-side of this has been an extension of our tomato season….it is November and we are still harvesting tomatoes for goodness sake!!
Once the tomatoes are removed, we intend to plant and sow over-wintering brassicas. The polytunnels are brilliant for this purpose as last Spring proved . Our polytunnels have broad beans, turnip, carrots, onions, spinach, lettuce leaves, radish and potatoes growing now. Brassicas, peas, beetroot and kohl rabi will be sown by the end of November. Not bad for over-wintering produce!
Bob and I, have, eventually, finished juicing the apples (at 02.00 on Tuesday morning!). This year we had so many more apples to juice and we did not realise how time consuming juicing took. However, we are delighted with the result….a sweet thirst quencher and full of vitamin C.
Next, we will be juicing pears. That is this weekends job!
While I am starting the juicing of the pears, Bob will be at Morpeth Farmers Market on Saturday. The weather is going to be chilly but dry, pop down as it is always good to put a face to the many customers we have in the Morpeth area.
Have a great week,