Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

It's all go
Hello everyone,
Firstly a huge thank you for your patience last week. For a number of reasons deliveries took a little bit longer than normal. Huge thank you to those who received their boxes on Saturday. One of the reasons being the intense heat experienced when we were harvesting - we needed to pace ourselves.
Thankfully we have a new Crew member - Chris, who is working a couple of days a week, what a great week to start. The good news is that he is coming back despite having sun stroke and a t-shirt tan in his first week. I hope he realises that frost bite may occur mid-Winter! In addition we have also had a volunteer work with us for a couple of weeks - also called Chris. The extra numbers have certainly helped at this very busy time.
The last week has been full on as we have watered, planted out, watered, harvested, watered, packed boxes, watered and delivered.
Our produce at the moment is looking really good, the Romanesque in particular looks amazing - what a wonderful looking and tasty vegetable.
The courgettes you are receiving at the moment are also looking fantastic. We have four different varieties at the moment; green long, green round, yellow long and yellow round. We often get asked for suggestions how to cook the round courgettes. Our suggestion is to cut the top off the courgette, then scoop out the middle and add to a sauce. Then pop the sauce back into the courgette and bake in the oven - truly delicious!
Thank you for putting your orders in early, this really helps as harvesting takes a huge amount of time, so the earlier the better for us.
Take care, Ann