Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Its getting dark really early
Hello Everyone,
What beautiful weather we have had over the past few days…..but it gets dark really early!
If you take a look at our Instagram site (hexhamshireorganics), you will note that our polytunnels are moving from a summer to winter crops. Like last year, we are overwintering brassicas, alliums, leaves, lettuces and roots in the tunnels. It was such a successful way of being ahead of the game, we have, at least, doubled up on the the crops we will be able to harvest. Some much more! An example of this being the 7,000 onion sets we are planting! (yes, you may be saying we are mad!) Many of the crops within the tunnels will be harvested early 2020. However, we are able to still harvest produce from now onwards. Just can’t get over the fact I said 2020!!!
We are still harvesting tomatoes, peppers and chillies. We think we will still have these crops till the end of November (fingers crossed as our tomatoes have been hugely popular). So, without mentioning the events happening in December, when you need to provide gifts and visit people and go out and about, how about making gifts for the family and friends you have to go and see. Many of you do make pickles and chutneys and Bob and I have sampled some yummie jars. How about making a tomato and chilli relish for you to enjoy eating or giving if you are new to the chutney making game.
We are in Jesmond Food Market again this Saturday. The markets keep coming around so quickly. Not long till it actually is 2020!
As I mentioned, it is getting dark really early these days. Therefore, we are going to try and get the deliveries out earlier on a Thursday and Friday. Which means we are not delivering in the dark. We are going to try and get the orders in at the start of the week. That will allow us to use Wednesday for harvesting ready for an earlier start time for the delivery run. Thanks for your help on this.
Take care. Keep warm.