Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Lots To Harvest
Hello Everyone,
Bob and I hope you are all very well and still staying safe.
The summer seems to becoming to an abrupt end with the coldest August Bank Holiday on record. Fingers crossed for an Indian Summer. As I have often said, I really do enjoy the fact that we have seasons. I can’t say that I have a favourite and look forward to each one differently. The Autumn season is for the colours and fresh days with blue skies. However, I don’t think I had quite finished with the Summer season….well really it did not get started!
But… has been great weather for our outside crops. Our Leeks, Red Onions, Broccoli have all the best we have ever had and just wait for the next crop of Summer Cabbages and Cauliflowers. The Summer is providing great Autumn and Winter squashes with them looking quite autumnal in colour……fabulous!
Luckily because we have so much covered cropping the poor Summer weather has had little impact on the crops we have growing in the Polytunnels – The Aubergines, Cucumbers and Tomatoes have all been amazing this year.
You will be pleased to know that next week we shall have an abundance of pork back on the website. Two of our pigs are going to market on Tuesday. We will collect the pork, from our organic butcher, next Saturday. These two pigs will be extra large as they are going to market way after their due time and have enjoyed more time at the farm. As we are organic, there are only certain days we can send them to the market as there is only one ‘organic day’ each week. Sooooo…..fingers crossed next week our shop will be complete with tasty pork.
Bob and I would like to say a huge thank you for all the great emails you send to us. We are really pleased that you are advising us of any holidays you have, of huge thanks for the produce we send to you, the articles of interest regarding organic ways and the questions you ask of us. It is lovely that you involve us in your day to day…..delightful. We do all our admin on a Sunday. This includes the email and website. We will try and reply to your emails straight away. If it involves more than a quick note, we will return your queries on the Sunday. Lovely to hear from you all.
Have a great week,