Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

New Gardening Course!
Hello Everyone,
Bob and I hope you are all well and enjoying the very mild weather.
It is good to get ‘out and about’ when we can…Me…I have been ‘out and about’ in our home garden, tidying and noting all the Spring growth popping through. Not only have I discovered the flowers emerging, I have also discovered where the toads AND the hedgehogs are living. Thankfully, I was being very careful when moving a pile of last years leaves around a growing annual. Inside the plant a large hedgehog had covered themselves with the leaves and was sound asleep. It did move and moan when I disturbed it but I quickly covered it back up then I continued gardening. Lovely to know that the hedgehog has survived the Winter.
The crops in the polytunnels have survived the Winter too. As you can see from above, the produce is looking lush. The leaves grow much slower during the Winter months but as we having more and more daylight (and heat) during the daytime the growth speed picks up. The plants start to become bushier and become easier to harvest. Good to know they will continue to grow much quicker.
The seeds the lovely Lucy has been sowing are also all showing signs of life. The propagation greenhouse is filling with luscious new green shoots. Aaahhh! Spring is just around the corner.
Bob and I now feel that, after ten whole years of Hexhamshire Organics and growing, planting and harvesting delicious fruits and vegetables, we are ready to share our knowledge. We have decided to offer a one-day gardening course where you can learn how we carry out our daily and seasonal duties, on the farm, from seed to harvest. We have made all the mistakes, and learned from those mistakes, now we want to spread the word to help you avoid repeating the mistakes we made. The course we offer is now available to book on our website. Go on…give it a whirl for yourself or give it as a gift to someone who would be delighted to learn.
If you would like to enjoy a taste of the Summer season…we have strawberry jam, strawberry coulis and blackberry jam available along side our chutneys. As I have said before…the produce in our jars are all ‘homemade’ so, definitely not like ‘shop bought’. Bob says they taste delish, I’ll take that! So, enjoy.
More eggs are on the website too. Our girls slow down production during the dark Winter days, however, they are now nearly back to normal egg numbers…all due to the lighter days. It’s all looking good.
Thank you for you kind words and continued support. You are a great group of encouraging lovely customers.
Take care till next week,