Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
No Deliveries This Week - Details of Open Day
Hello Everyone,
No Deliveries This Week
A gentle reminder…we are not delivering boxes of our Fresh Local Organic goodies this week. I know you will miss Bob for a chat, however, he is needed here, on the farm. We are planting out our overwintering crops and it is ‘all hands to the pump’ so to speak.
On a good note…Organic September is nearly upon us. This is the month when Organic is explained and promoted. We are having an open day to allow you to visit us here on the farm - the first one since Pre-Covid. The numbers will be limited as if you all came, we just could not cope. If you would like to visit we are asking you to confirm by email at providing details of who is coming and which time slot you would prefer. This gives us an idea of numbers. When we reach capacity, I am sorry, but we will have to close the option to visit. The reason for closing will be a pure safety issue and parking issue.
Date for you Diary: Saturday, 17th September 2022
Time slots: 10am-1pm
2pm -5pm
Please remember to say how many people will be in your group.
We will reply to your email with a Yes (or Sorry No if we reach capacity).
You lovely customers, who are receiving Ann’s Journal, will be first past the post.
So the race is on. Who will be first to say they wish to come to the farm? Interesting. I will reply as quickly as I can…I will be in the fields helping Bob and the Crew. I will reply but maybe during the latter parts of the day.
Don’t miss your goodies and our ‘Delivery Boy’ toooooo much, but certainly enough to want your box the following week!
Take care and I can honestly say…maybe see you soon,