Ann's Farm Journal

Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Typical Day

Hello Everyone,

Well, our chickens have done us proud! We could say that they are quite intelligent or is it just the way life is? As it is the Easter weekend coming up, our girls have decided to start laying eggs once again. Hooray! Eggs are now back as available on the website.

Typical Day
Bob and I stopped working outside at around 7.30. That is thanks to the fab light nights. We are chasing the light, to get as much work done as possible. Unfortunately the darkness beats us and we are generally putting our equipment away in the dark.

Here is one of our days this week –

Get up and have coffee and toast.

Feed ducks, chickens and pigs.

Clean houses of said animals.

Water the greenhouse seedlings.

Rotovate muck in the new polytunnels.

Weed and hoe herb garden.

Weed around garlic.

Remove the remaining turnips from polytunnel.

Clean said turnips.

Prepare this area for the next crop.

Cut down winter raspberry canes.
Weed around raspberries.

Feed ducks, chickens and pigs.

Put the ducks and chickens to bed.

This was all done on Monday of this week. However, I did not say that we had to scoop out all the chicken poo for the compost (a great fertiliser as is the pig poo!), jet wash the outside of the greenhouses (and get totally drenched!), move bags of compost to a new area for use later (back breaking!), return a boy pig to his pen! – he had escaped and run amok in the undergrowth of the field (what a giggle from a smug looking cheeky boy!) and the dreaded paperwork.

We had food at 8.30 and I was in the bath at 9. Bed at 9.30.

We love our life and wouldn’t change it at all……except maybe exchange our knees and back to more younger ones.

We hope you enjoy your long weekend break and eat lots of chocolate!
